The topic of which Christmas movie is the most iconic is debatable, but for many, “Home Alone” is the ultimate holiday classic. The cast, featuring Macaulay Culkin, Catherine O’Hara, and Joe Pesci, has continued to captivate audiences since 1990. But despite all the joy the film brings, it’s bittersweet as some actors have sadly passed away over the years. What’s even sadder is that many people straight-up forgot about them. But that’s okay because we’re here to keep the memory of them alive.
1. Bill Erwin – Airplane passenger (“Home Alone”)
After realizing she left Kev all alone, Kate McCallister did everything she could to go back to her son, including trying to convince Bill Erwin’s character and his wife to sell her their tickets. It was a brief but memorable moment in the movie. Fortunately, Erwin lived a long and fulfilling life, but all good things must come to an end, and on December 29, 2010, Erwin died from natural causes at 96.

2. Billie Bird – Airplane passenger (“Home Alone”)
Billie played the wife of Erwin’s character, and just like Erwin, she lived a very long and happy life. Unfortunately, unlike her on-screen husband, she did not die of old age. Alzheimer’s disease took her away at the age of 96.

3. Roberts Blossom – Marley (“Home Alone”)
Blossom’s character, the Old Cryypy Man, initially comes across as mysterious and somewhat frightening to the audience, but as the story progresses, it becomes clear that he is just misunderstood. In fact, his character’s relationship with Kevin was a touching reminder to never judge someone based on rumors or appearances. Sadly, Roberts passed away in 2011 at the age of 87 due to natural causes, but the character of “Old Man” Marley will always be a poignant reminder of how important empathy and understanding are in our lives.

4. Eddie Bracken – Elliot-Fox Duncan (“Home Alone 2”)
It’s really sad to realize that the late Eddie Bracken, who played Elliot-Fox Duncan in “Home Alone 2”, won’t be able to receive the turtledoves from the fans anymore. In case you forgot, his character gave Kevin two turtle dove ornaments, symbolizing love and friendship. Sadly, ten years after the film’s release, Bracken had complications after surgery and passed away shortly.

5. Ralph Foody – The Gangster (“Home Alone”)
“Home Alone” has a ton of iconic lines, but “Keep the change, ya filthy animal” is one of the best and most memorable ones of them all. Believe it or not, the old-timey gangster flick “Angels with Filthy Souls” is not a real movie, and Ralph Foody was the one who delivered the line after spraying some poor guy with lead. Sadly, in 1999, cancer took the actor away at the age of 71.

6. Lenny Von Dohlen – Burton Jernigan (“Home Alone 3”)
Lenny Von Dohlen, known for his iconic roles in “Twin Peaks” and “Home Alone 3,” left a mark on the film industry. In the latter, he played Burton Jernigan, an unlucky spy who gets dunked on by a literal child. In 2022, the public found out from Lenny’s manager that the actor had been battling an undisclosed illness for years but sadly passed away at the age of 63. Despite his challenges, Lenny inspired others and helped them pursue their goals.

7. John Candy – Gus Polinsiki (“Home Alone”)
John Candy’s portrayal of the polka-loving touring musician Gus Polinski left a lasting impression on many. His character’s willingness to help Kevin’s mom, who was a complete stranger at the time, was heartwarming and inspirational. Being a comedic genius, it’s no surprise that Candy improvised many of his lines despite only being on the set for a day or two. Only four years after “Home Alone” was released, Candy died of a heart attack at the age of 43.

8. John Heard – Peter McCallister (“Home Alone”)
Losing a talented actor, especially one who played such a memorable role, is always sad. As Kevin’s dad, Heard left a lasting impression on viewers. Unfortunately, in 2017, Heard passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 71, which was a shocking loss not only for his family but for the entire entertainment industry. Though some people thought that the surgery he had a few days earlier could have been the cause of the actor’s death, officials revealed that that wasn’t the case.