It’s a truth universally acknowledged that Justin Trudeau is one of the hottest people in politics. Not only is he incredibly smart, charming, and gorgeous, he also cares about all the important things, like ending wars, helping refugees, equal rights for everyone and climate change. No matter how you look at Justin — he’s a 10. But what’s even more infuriating is that he always was a ten and he’s just aging like fine wine.

Do you know what he looked like when he was young? Because the internet is going crazy about how hot he was. In fact, there’s a bunch of hilarious tweets describing his particular brand of hotness.
One twitter user writes “Young Justin Trudeau looks like that camp counselor your mom warned you about who got a girl pregnant last summer but still kept his job”. And we kind of see what they mean. Except we’re pretty sure Justin would never.

Another woman on twitter says “Justin could run me over with his car and I’d still say thank you”. And once you’ve seen these pictures of him shirtless and with long hair – you’ll think the same thing.

Clearly Trudeau is setting a whole new standard for politicians. Have you ever seen people drool over anyone else this much?

Men are getting in on this hottie appreciation train. A guy tweets “raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by Justin Trudea”. Nice Mean Girls reference btw!

You get the point, Justin looked hot when he was young and we can’t get enough of his piercing blue eyes, that perfect smile and that gorgeous hair you just want to run your fingers through. He still looks like a Disney Prince. But remember, ladies and gentlemen, he’s only getting hotter with age.